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Class Activity

       During one of the lecture session, Ms.Ann assigned us to take over the classroom where we were were required to carry out a presentation to teach our classmates about the chapter solid geometry. We were given different subtopics to work on namely prism, quadrilateral, cone, frustum, cylinder and etc. We were required to prepare our own presentation slides to aid our teaching. We were divided into groups of 6 for this activity, my group members consist of:


1. Lee Yet Yee

2. Tan Min Chuen

3. Chang Huey Yi

4. Ng Kwang Zhou

5. Ee Hui Teng

6. Karen Choo Qiao  Ying


Our given topic was CONE & FRUSTUM

Presentation Slides:

Presentation Video:


What will be more fun than taking over lecture sessions where we students are the one who will be teaching our cousemates with our lecturer, Ms.Ann sitting on the student's place? This activity had benefitted me in a way that I was able to experience the responsibility to portray correct and precise information so that the receiver or my audience will be clear of what I am trying to portray. 


       On the other hand, I also got to venture deeper into the formulas in calculating the surface area of a cone and frustum as as well as their volumes. I was able to do my own research on the formulas and try them out to see whether it is the right one. As we students were the one who were going to understand the formulas itself, it had taught me to be independent to understand and evaluate a certain thing but not to be spoon-fed by the lecturers.


       Lastly, I gained lots of fun through this activity as I was able to work with a bunch of amazing friends for life. Besides, I was able to learn more mathematical knowledge from my friends who are very good in maths.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:

Discipline Specific Knowledge


 I have learnt how to calculate the surface area and volume of a cone and frustum.

Digital Literacy

Preparing the presentation slides using keynote.

I have learnt how to communicate with all my group mates during our discussion and meetings.

Communication Skills

Problem solving in managing the questions related to calculation of surface areas and volume for both cone and frustum.

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills


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